Set (Science) of nature, for 4 groups


Intended for experimental study, natural science laboratory and carrying out natural science experiment: height, taste, touch, smell, shape, vertical position, flat surfaces, free surface of water, importance of water, physical states of water, solids, liquids and gases, melting, evaporation, boiling, condensation, solidification, air, oxygen, carbon dioxide, air expansion, compressibility and elasticity, general and specific properties of matter, animals, seeds, germination, roots, stem, photosynthesis, phototropism, chlorophyll, flower, vegetables, monocotyledons and dicotyledons, irrigation, sand, soil, mineral salts, erosion, food decomposition, mold, fungus, bacteria, health, cigarette harm, vision, lens wear, genetics, color blindness, selection natural, mixtures, chemical reaction, movement, trajectory, inertia, heat, temperature, thermoscope, thermal sensation, heat propagation, light, Newton disk, sound, mechanical waves, Doppler effect, stringed instrument, phases of the Moon, force, pressure, mechanical deformations, plastic and elastic, simple machine, pulleys, dynamometer, spring, Hookes law, Pascals principle, communicating vessels, simple pendulum, optics, reflection, refraction, plane and spherical mirror, diopters, electrification, conductors and insulators electrical, simple circuit, series and parallel connection, resistors, color code, compass, magnetic field, magnet, electromagnet, etc.

Cidepe - Industrial Center for Teaching and Research Equipment - is a company of reference in educational instruments in educational institutions in Brazil and abroad. With an experienced team of engineers, professors, researchers, consultants and other collaborators, Cidepe develops products with technology and human talent to improve the teaching dynamics.
The entire history of pioneering spirit and work focused on customer needs makes the Cidepe brand increasingly present in the lives of thousands of students, bringing greater participation and interest to the knowledge experience in the areas of Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Contact our sales team, we are available to assist your educational institution on this journey towards practical knowledge.

Key Experiments

  • » The touch of each of us
  • » Who has the best sense of touch?
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  • » Water is necessary for the germination of seeds
  • » The function of the plant roots
  • » The photosynthesis, green plants need light (light energy) - ECOLOGY
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  • » Proving the existence of air
  • » The phases of the Moon
  • » The operation and use of the compass
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  • » The horizontal surface of still water
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  • » Noting the compressibility and the elasticity of air
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  • » Separating objects with the use of a magnet
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  • » Identifying some seeds - PLANTS
  • » Chlorophyll, the substance found in most green plants
  • » What are the structures of flowers like?
  • » What are the conditions offered by the egg so that the bird develops?
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  • » What is yeast like?
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  • » The stem conducts the sap to all parts of the plant
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  • » Vision defects, correction of hyperopia and myopia with lenses
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  • » Comparing the development of the seed with the type of irrigation
  • » The influence of light on sprouting and development of seeds
  • » How does the environment determine natural selection?
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  • » Analysis of different amounts of the auxin plant hormone
  • » What are the differences between monocots and dicots?
  • » How do animals sustain themselves and how do they move around?
  • » Where are the bacteria?
  • » Am I color-blind?
  • » What is the probability? E rule and OU rule in genetics.
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  • » Condensation, the change from gaseous to liquid state
  • » States of matter - the condensation of the vapors we exhale
  • » The air contained in a vessel
  • » Heated air expands and cold air contracts
  • » The soil contains mineral salts
  • » Some characteristics of the air we breathe in and out, oxygen and carbon dioxide
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  • » The general properties of matter
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  • » Producing oxygen by a chemical reaction
  • » The decantation and filtration, two steps for the purification of water
  • » Some transformations of energy: the candle produces light and heat when burning
  • » Identifying sugar components
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  • » Inertia, one of the general properties of matter - Newton´s first law
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  • » Force, mechanical deformation, plastic deformation and elastic deformation
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  • » The experiment of the Magdeburg hemispheres and atmospheric pressure
  • » Inflating a balloon, reducing the external pressure
  • » The leveling of liquid surfaces in open communicating vessels
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  • » The thermoscope and thermometric scales
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  • » The physical states of water
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  • » The principles of geometrical optics
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  • » The composition of colors in a Newton Disk
  • » Sound, a longitudinal mechanical wave
  • » The Doppler effect, with tuning fork
  • » The mapping of the magnetic field of a magnet, magnetism
  • » Electrification by friction, the principle of conservation of charge, law of charges
  • » Electrical conductors and electrical insulators
  • » The links in series, in opposition and in parallel between cells
  • » Color code in the characterization of a resistor (electrical resistance)
  • » Permanent magnets, temporary magnets and the electromagnet
  • » How do you perform the separation of heterogeneous mixtures by simple filtration? Part I of V
  • » How to separate heterogeneous mixtures through magnetic separation. Part II of V
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