(Stokes) viscometer, analog and digital multimeter, 5 sensors, 2 tubes


Intended for experimental study, physics and chemistry laboratory for carrying out experiments on: Hydrodynamics. Ownership of materials. The fall of a body in a viscous medium, Stokes law, Reynolds number. Calculating the volume and weight of the sphere. The buoyancy and drag force of the liquid on the sphere falling into a liquid. Determining the terminal velocity. Determining the coefficient of kinematic viscosity. Determining absolute viscosity (dynamic viscosity). Determining the Reynolds number. Know how to clean the equipment after use. The forces acting on a falling sphere in a viscous medium with constant velocity. The weight force of the sphere as a function of volume and specific mass. The buoyant force acting on a sphere in a viscous medium, Archimedes principle. The resistive force, drag force, acting on a sphere moving in a viscous medium. The Reynolds number. Stokes law. The stickiness. Absolute viscosity, dynamic viscosity. The kinematic viscosity. The unit of kinematic viscosity. The relative viscosity, etc.
Note: External memory device for USB pen drive connection is not included.

Cidepe - Industrial Center for Teaching and Research Equipment - is a company of reference in educational instruments in educational institutions in Brazil and abroad. With an experienced team of engineers, professors, researchers, consultants and other collaborators, Cidepe develops products with technology and human talent to improve the teaching dynamics.
The entire history of pioneering spirit and work focused on customer needs makes the Cidepe brand increasingly present in the lives of thousands of students, bringing greater participation and interest to the knowledge experience in the areas of Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Contact our sales team, we are available to assist your educational institution on this journey towards practical knowledge.

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