Tuning fork set (440 Hz), resonance box


Intended for experimental study, physics laboratory, carrying out physics and natural science experiments: Sound. Sound, a longitudinal mechanical wave. Sound wave. The propagation of sound through air (gaseous medium). Speed ¿¿of sound in different media. The propagation of sound through a metal rod (solid medium). The propagation of sound through water (liquid medium). The physiological qualities of sound. The sound, Doppler effect. What is the Doppler effect, etc.

Cidepe - Industrial Center for Teaching and Research Equipment - is a company of reference in educational instruments in educational institutions in Brazil and abroad. With an experienced team of engineers, professors, researchers, consultants and other collaborators, Cidepe develops products with technology and human talent to improve the teaching dynamics.
The entire history of pioneering spirit and work focused on customer needs makes the Cidepe brand increasingly present in the lives of thousands of students, bringing greater participation and interest to the knowledge experience in the areas of Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Contact our sales team, we are available to assist your educational institution on this journey towards practical knowledge.

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